I was supposed to go to the Mckinley office to get my reimbursement check and pass my sickness forms yesterday. The office was just a 20 minute walk away from our house but since it's drizzling I decided to take the long way by taking 2 jeepney rides, one to Market! Market! and the other to McKinley. I was already at the mall grounds waiting for the other ride but unfortunately nothing was coming and from where I stood I could see the heavy traffic jam. Seeing that the time was already 25 minutes to 5pm, I decided not to go and just phone the HR I couldn't make it before they close. Not wanting to waste my fare, I went to the mall.
I never really liked malling solo. I'm usually with Hubby, my folks or a girlfriend when I go, so this adventure was kind of lonely. I went to Ricky Reyes to have my hair treated and had a haircut as well to pass time. I tried fitting in some clothes and tho they were on sale I didn't get any because I still don't like my figure :p and so I just went to Greenwhich, ate lasagna and chicken, did grocery and went home around 10pm.
I never had lasagna yet some place else but at Greenwhich. More than their pizza, it's really what I crave for when I want an Italian food that doesn't cost much. Their Chicken ala King rice topping is great too!
Hubby was with office friends because one of them is going to Japan for masters and they had a going away party. By 12.30am he was home and he brought me 2 pizza and a slice of cake from the party! :) Oh, and I was surprised in a bad way seeing that my pay was only 1/4 of what it's supposed to be. Apparently, they deducted the excess sick leaves I charged due to my myomectomy leave. I have to really go to Mckinley this Monday to inquire about my pay and get the check because until the next payday that's all the money (and of course plus Hubby's as well) we have waaah!
2nd level, Market! Market!
McKinley Parkway, Taguig