10. Confessions of a Shopaholic (022009) - this must be his attempt on saying I'm one :p
11. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (072009) - we both cried when Dumbledore died :'(
12. New Moon (112009) - I had to watch this twice. One with office friends, and the other with him :)
13. Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief (022010) - looked interesting so we watched.
14. Up (052009) - this movie made us cry and laugh. Carl and Ellie's love story was really very touching and when she died, we we're both crying. Russell was just so cute and funny we couldn't stop laughing.
15. Eclipse (072010) - this we had to wait for it's 3rd week as it was always full and we really couldn't get tickets.
16. Inception (072010) - mind blowing (and frying?) :p
17. Grown Ups (082010) - courtesy of our project that allowed us to bring 2 family members to have a movie and dine with us. Since my parents were not into English films and my brother was too shy to come, I brought the then boyfriend and a friend from my previous project. The movie was followed by an ice cream snack and dinner at National Sports Grill, Glorietta.
20. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part I (112010) - oh my. Made me realize how they've grown (and how we've grown older)
11. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (072009) - we both cried when Dumbledore died :'(
12. New Moon (112009) - I had to watch this twice. One with office friends, and the other with him :)
13. Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief (022010) - looked interesting so we watched.
14. Up (052009) - this movie made us cry and laugh. Carl and Ellie's love story was really very touching and when she died, we we're both crying. Russell was just so cute and funny we couldn't stop laughing.
15. Eclipse (072010) - this we had to wait for it's 3rd week as it was always full and we really couldn't get tickets.
16. Inception (072010) - mind blowing (and frying?) :p
17. Grown Ups (082010) - courtesy of our project that allowed us to bring 2 family members to have a movie and dine with us. Since my parents were not into English films and my brother was too shy to come, I brought the then boyfriend and a friend from my previous project. The movie was followed by an ice cream snack and dinner at National Sports Grill, Glorietta.
18. Legend of the Guardians: the owls of Gahoole (092010) - we watched this one in 3D and it was amazing :)
19. Megamind (112010) - we didn't really intend to watch this one but we didn't have much of a choice. It ended up to be a good decision. :)