Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Bonding over Popcorn: 2005 - 2008

This blog was made with the intent of being my online diary so I decided to put the list of the movies we've watched since we started dating :) 

1.Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (112005) - big fans of the Harry Potter Series :)  Our very first movie together. He was a graduate and a new Geodetic engineer (yey!) then and was trying to find a job. Since he's not renting anymore and goes home to Pampanga, we squeezed watching this movie one time that he had a job interview and was in the QC area.  

2. Happy Feet (112006) - we'll watch anything that looks cute, and Mambo was super!

3. You Got Me (022007) - we're not really into watching too much Filipino films but we like Toni so we watched 2 of hers :) 

4.  Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix (072007)

5. My Big Love (022008) - this one's a cute one. He sort of related with Sam's character, and Toni was really hilarious. :) 

6. Iron Man (042008) - Tony Stark's gadgets are cool and SciFi really interests us. 

7. Kung Fu Panda (062008)

8. City of Ember (102008) - anything out of the ordinary and is magical, we'd watch. :) 

9. Twilight (112008) - I started reading the book and immediately got hooked, so the film adaptions are a must watch for me.

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